What happened in Illuminae? (The Illuminae Files #1)

Read a full summary of The Illuminae Files, Book #1 right here!  This page is full of spoilers so if you haven’t read this book yet click here to read a spoiler-free Rapid Review of Illuminae. If you are wondering what happened in Illuminae, you are in the right place! Authors Amie Kaufman Jay Kristoff…

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What happened in The Wrath and the Dawn?

Read our The Wrath and the Dawn summary right here!  This page is full of spoilers so if you haven’t read this book yet click here to read a spoiler-free Rapid Review of The Wrath and the Dawn. If you need a reminder of what happened in The Wrath and the Dawn, you are in…

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What happened in Deep Blue? (WaterFire Saga #1)

The WaterFire Saga takes place underwater in the world of the merpeople. This series is filled with magic (merpeople cast spells by singing; usually the more powerful the voice, the better the magic), mythology, and adventure. Ratings 4.2 stars on Amazon 3.76 stars on Goodreads The WaterFire Saga #1 Deep Blue #2 Rogue Wave #3 Dark Tide #4…

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What happened in Six of Crows? (Six of Crows #1)

This book captured my attention from page one! I loved slowly learning each character’s backstory as they worked their way towards a once-in-a-lifetime heist. And I love a larger-than-life main character, which Kaz Brekker definitely is. Plus, the storytelling is exquisite! AuthorLeigh Bardugo Ratings4.6 stars on Amazon4.41 stars on GoodreadsAdd Six of Crows at Goodreads The Six of Crows Series#1 Six of…

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What happened in The 5th Wave? (The 5th Wave #1)

Earth has sustained strange alien attacks in five different waves. The remaining humans trust no one they encounter. They struggle to form alliances and figure out the aliens’ motives and next move. Amidst all of this is Cassie, who is trying to find her five year old brother. Ratings 4.3 stars on Amazon 4.17 stars on Goodreads The 5th Wave Series…

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What Happened in Red Rising? (Red Rising #1)

This is a very cool science fiction debut novel by Pierce Brown.  I thought it was quite similar to the Hunger Games in some ways but that didn’t bother me at all.  I had that same need-to-read-more-right-now feeling with Red Rising that I had with Hunger Games.  I definitely liked it! AuthorPierce Brown Ratings4.5 stars…

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The Kiss of Deception Summary (The Remnant Chronicles #1)

This book was written in a very interesting way! There is a runaway bride princess who is being tracked and then befriended by both a prince (who she was suppose to marry, but had never met before) and an assassin (sent to kill her). The princess doesn’t know the true identities of either. Here’s the…

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