What happened in This Savage Song? (Monsters of Verity #1)

Read a full summary of This Savage Song, the first book in the Monsters of Verity series. This page is full of spoilers, so beware! If you are looking for a spoiler-free review, check our rapid review of This Savage Song. If you are wondering what happened in This Savage Song, then you are in the…

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What happened in Three Dark Crowns? (Three Dark Crowns #1)

Three Dark Crowns started slowly for me as I tried to get to know the large cast surrounding the main characters, three sisters fighting for the Fennbirn throne. My interest definitely began to build around the halfway point, and I especially enjoyed the shorter chapters near the very end. The climax was intriguing and exciting,…

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What happened in The Star-Touched Queen (Star Touched Queen #1)

Read a full summary of The Star-Touched Queen now!  This page is full of spoilers so beware. If you are wondering what happened in The Star-Touched Queen then are in the right place! Author Roshani Chokshi Ratings 4.2 stars on Amazon 3.58 stars on Goodreads Add The Star Touched Queen at Goodreads The Star-Touched Queen Series #1…

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What happened in Ever the Hunted? (Clash of Kingdoms #1)

Ever the Hunted captured me from the first page and never let go. This was due in part to Summerill’s whimsical descriptions, in part to the love story, and in part to the mysteries in the plot. I enjoyed trying to solve these mysteries along with Britta, the main character. Some were fairly easy to figure…

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What happened in Ivory and Bone? (Ivory and Bone #1)

The prehistoric setting for this YA debut is original and intriguing. It contains some action and adventure, but the main focus of the story is finding wives for the main character Kol and his younger brothers. Their father is the High Elder of their small clan, and they need to connect with nearby clans to…

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What happened in Riders? (Riders #1)

The delightful Rossi entertains again in the fun new series-starter Riders. The story line is extremely unique. The descriptions of the horsemen as well as their abilities, weapons, and their horses are incredible. The strength exhibited by the only prominent female character is admirable. And the story starts at the end, serving as an interesting…

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What happened in Rebel of the Sands? (Rebel of the Sands #1)

This is such a fun book! It is what I consider to be classic YA in its tone and pacing. Amani is itching to leave Dustwalk, her small desert village and takes off with Jin, a stranger she meets in a sharpshooting competition. They encounter many dangers during their journey. I enjoyed the banter between…

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What happened in Passenger? (Passenger #1)

Bracken creates two solid main characters and sets interesting rules and parameters for time travel in the first novel in her new series. Passenger offers a different peek into history as we see bygone times and places through a modern girl’s eyes as she witnesses past oppressions first-hand. Author Alexandra Bracken Ratings 4.0 stars on Amazon…

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What happened in Lady Midnight? (The Dark Artifices #1)

The Shadowhunter world and the writing style I love so much are back! Lady Midnight is the continuing saga of Emma and Jules, who we were introduced to in City of Heavenly Fire. Their story is a fascinating one, with many new and intriguing characters added to the mix. The intertwining of all the Shadowhunters…

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