What happened in This Savage Song? (Monsters of Verity #1)

Read a full summary of This Savage Song, the first book in the Monsters of Verity series. This page is full of spoilers, so beware! If you are looking for a spoiler-free review, check our rapid review of This Savage Song. If you are wondering what happened in This Savage Song, then you are in the…

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What happened in Morning Star? (Red Rising #3)

I love love love this entire trilogy by Pierce Brown.  No let-down in THIS sequel.  In a word, I would describe the whole thing as epic.  Read on for what happened in Morning Star: AuthorPierce Brown Ratings4.8 stars on Amazon4.64 stars on GoodreadsAdd Morning Star at Goodreads The Red Rising Saga Recaps#1 Red Rising#2 Golden Son#3…

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How did Golden Son End? (Red Rising # 2)

This second installment of the Red Rising Trilogy by Pierce Brown was even better than the first one!  It keeps you on your toes and there are lots of twists and turns…and oh man what a cliffhanger!  I definitely liked this book a lot! Read on for how did Golden Son end: AuthorPierce Brown Ratings4.7…

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What happened in The Infinite Sea? (The 5th Wave #2)

Cassie, her younger brother, and her friends are trying to find a safe, warm place to survive their enemies and the winter. Is Evan still alive? Do they know everything there is to know about the aliens? Will they be smart enough and strong enough to help take back control of their planet? This sequel answers some…

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What happened in The 5th Wave? (The 5th Wave #1)

Earth has sustained strange alien attacks in five different waves. The remaining humans trust no one they encounter. They struggle to form alliances and figure out the aliens’ motives and next move. Amidst all of this is Cassie, who is trying to find her five year old brother. Ratings 4.3 stars on Amazon 4.17 stars on Goodreads The 5th Wave Series…

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What Happened in Red Rising? (Red Rising #1)

This is a very cool science fiction debut novel by Pierce Brown.  I thought it was quite similar to the Hunger Games in some ways but that didn’t bother me at all.  I had that same need-to-read-more-right-now feeling with Red Rising that I had with Hunger Games.  I definitely liked it! AuthorPierce Brown Ratings4.5 stars…

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What happened in Fairest? (The Lunar Chronicles #3.5)

Fairest is a prequel to the events in the Lunar Chronicles series. It tells the story of Queen Levana: how she got where she is and how she became evil. There are moments when you feel sorry for her but when given a chance to redeem herself, she never does. This was a great (and…

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What happened in Cress? (The Lunar Chronicles #3)

So many stories colliding here! Cinder and Scarlet’s adventures continue with the added character Cress. Cress is very loosely based on the story of Rapunzel. Want to know what happened in Cress? Read below for all the spoilers. AuthorMarissa Meyer Ratings4.8 stars on Amazon4.49 stars on GoodreadsAdd Cress at Goodreads The Lunar Chronicles Series#1 Cinder#2…

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What happened in Scarlet? (The Lunar Chronicles #2)

Scarlet, very loosely based on Little Red Riding Hood, was an awesome read that incorporates fairytale characters in a futuristic dystopian fantasy! It follows Scarlet’s adventures as well as continues Cinder’s story that was started in book one of the Lunar Chronicles. Want to know what happened in Scarlet? Read below for all the spoilers….

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