Are you looking for swoon-worthy Christmas romance books to read this holiday season? I’m here to help! My name is Sara, and I’m one of the owners here at Book Series Recaps. I love to read a few great holiday romances every November and December, and if you found this page, I bet you do, too!
I’ve always loved reading books that correlate with the season we’re in and Christmas is no different. I can’t think of anything better on a cold December day than lounging around in front of the fireplace, sipping a peppermint mocha, and reading a heart warming holiday romance. I thought you might like some reading suggestions if this sounds good to you, too, so this year I decided to make a list of the Christmas romance books I’ve read and the ones that sound most interesting to me.
I would love your input! Please suggest your favorites in the comments so I can add them to my to-be-read list! And if you’re looking for closed-door, sweet Christmas romance and holiday romcom books, I have a list for that, too!
What you can find on this page:
- Christmas romance books coming out in 2023
- Others I have read or that sound awesome
- Christmas romance short novels (novellas)
(**Yes, these are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. We don’t make much money on these, but we do make enough to pay for the hosting on this growing website. Thank you!**)
Christmas Romance Books 2023:
Here are a few books on my TBR that came out this year in time for Christmas 2023! I haven’t read many in this section…yet.
All’s Fair in Love and Christmas by Sarah Monzon
Faking Christmas by Kerry Winfrey
A Little Magic by Lindsey Lanza
Holly vs. Mr. Ivy by Amanda P. Jones
Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews
Additional suggestions from years past:
These are my additional suggestions for Christmas romance books that didn’t necessarily come out this year. Some I’ve read, and some are on my to-be-read list.
Scrooge and the Girls Next Door by Melanie Jacobson

I ADORED this one! Top of the list! Read a Synopsis…
A Cross-Country Christmas by Courtney Walsh

Merry Ex-Mas by Courtney Walsh

Faking Christmas by Cindy Steel

Don’t forget to check out the rest in this series by various authors!
Read a synopsis…
The Christmas Pact by Meg Easton

A Match Made at Christmas by Courtney Walsh

Christmas romance novellas / Short Christmas romance books:
These are my suggestions for Christmas romance short reads. These are good for a few fabulous hours of holiday romance.
The Twelve Holidates by Emma St. Clair
This is a novella (a short novel). Read a synopsis…
Christmas Crush by Brynn North
This is a novella (a short novel). Read a synopsis…
Help me find more books!
There are a lot of holiday romance books out there. Which titles are your favorites? Please leave your additional suggestions in the comments!