How many books are on your Goodreads reading goal this year? With only a month and a half left to go are you set to meet your goal? Sara is aiming for 35 and is well on her way with 30 read so far. Stacy is aiming for 30 and hopes to make it with only 4 more to go.
Goodreads has come up with such a great challenge, right? There’s no better contest for a bookworm! 🙂 A fun part of the challenge is looking back over our ‘Read’ list as the year comes to a close to see what our favorite reads have been.
Our top three reads of 2018:
Sara – Children of Blood and Bone, Scythe, Iron Gold
Stacy – Iron Gold, The Scorpio Races, and the Arc of a Scythe series (I know I cheated by listing a series here. Voilà: Three books becomes four!) 😉
What have your favorite reads of 2018 been? Sound off in the comments! And what’s your Goodreads goal for next year? The same? More or less? We’ll probably stick to similar goals for 2019. With so many great books set to be released next year, however, should we aim for more?
Our most anticipated books of 2019:
Sara – Dark Age, Children of Virtue and Vengeance
Stacy – King of Scars, Dark Age, and Deathcaster
We’d love to hear about your 2019 reading plans and most anticipated books in the comments! 🙂
I set my reading challenge at 13 books per month for a total of 156. I’m currently on book 156 so I’m about 6 weeks ahead of schedule. Last year I barely finished my 156 books on time. The year before I tried for 15 books a month and didn’t make it so adjusted my goal accordingly. Since I’m retired and I read fast, 13 books a month is easy to accomplish. I read almost any genre although YA, paranormal, fantasy and SF are my favorites. The Girl in the Moon by Terry Goodkind was one my favorites this year. There is a short prequel out: Trouble’s Child and one of the characters appears in the book Nest which also has a similar theme.. the new series by J.R. Rain “Winter Solstice” is a fun read so far…I’m currently on the third book.
Wow!!! Your reading tally is impressive!!! I’m going to need to check out the books you mentioned on Goodreads because I’m not familiar with them. Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Hi Stacy, I’m at 169 books now, 13 past my original goal of 156. One of the stand out books of the last few that I just finished was Battle Mage by Peter A Flannery . At about 650 pages, it is a standalone novel with no sequels or cliffhangers. It is epic fantasy; a YA coming of age story with elements that will remind you of Lord of the Rings, Eragon, and/or Wheel of Time series. It was one of the best books I’ve read this year. Anyway, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and you both have a merry Christmas.
Reading is the procedure by which people decode a message transmitted by written code. The enormous value of written expression lies in its durability: the reader can reread a text as many times as he wishes.