No spoilers in this review of Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes.
I give it 4.5 stars.
This series just keeps getting better and better! Frozen Tides is the fourth book in the Falling Kingdoms series yet there are still just enough unanswered questions to keep me coming back for more. I’m in love with the tension between the captured Princess Cleo and the son of a tyrant king, Prince Magnus. Morgan Rhodes does an excellent job of developing the characters and weaving the storylines together in just the right way.
Cleo continues to battle both her unwanted emotions as well as her enemies in an attempt to regain her kingdom. Magnus’s dance toward finding himself and his purpose continually take two steps forward then one step back. He finds that he opposes more and more of his father’s ruthless decisions yet fights his desire to be like him at the same time. His sister, Princess Lucia, the prophesied sorcerous, becomes entangled with the otherworldly as she is on her quest to find freedom from being used by everyone around her. Meanwhile, Jonas Agallon, a failure of a rebel, persistently searches for ways to free his people from this tyrant of a king. New characters are introduced as we finally reach the shores of Kraeshia, who will undoubtedly be a major player in the coming books.
My only complaint is that I didn’t always love the chapters from Lucia’s point of view. Or rather, I didn’t care about them. In fact, each time I reached one about her I found myself thinking, “Oh this is a good stopping point for now”. This opinion, however, may change in book five. I have to admit, by the end of Frozen Tides, I found myself very curious as to what her next move might be. I really enjoyed all of the other characters and story lines–even the evil ones!
My overall feeling is that this is a fantastic high fantasy series and I can’t wait to read the next book, Crystal Storm. If you love high fantasy, you will love this series!
View all my reviews on Goodreads.
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I love so much this book series 🙂