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Are you looking for swoon-worthy yet clean holiday romcom novels or romances? We’re here to help! My name is Sara, and I love to read a few great sweet Christmas romance books during November and December. Every year I set out on a mission to find clean holiday romance books for adults. I haven’t been happy with many books published by big publishing companies lately, so I started reading novels from smaller publishers and indie authors. I’ve found some great reads this way and even discovered the niche genre: sweet holiday romcom. And I’m happy to share these books with you.

If you have additional suggestions for sweet holiday romance books, please leave a comment. I’m always on the lookout!

What is a sweet holiday romcom or romance?

To me, a sweet romance novel has little to no language and no on-page sex.

**AUTHORS: We’re looking for authors who write clean YA romance books. If that’s you, please submit your clean books here:

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(**Yes, these are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchasesWe don’t make much money on these, but we do make enough to pay for the hosting on this growing website. Thank you!**)

Our suggestions for sweet holiday romcom novels and romances:

I’m a sucker for RomCom, so you will see a few mixed in with the romances here. These are my suggestions for sweet Christmas rom-com and romances. Keep in mind some of these are holiday romance novellas (short novels), but I think you’ll like them because sometimes you want a quick holiday romance read you can finish in one evening! I marked the novellas.

Christmas with a Crank by Courtney Walsh
clean christmas rom com - christmas with a crank
Cute Christmas romcom! Read a Synopsis…

My Favorite Color is The Golden Hour by Eva Austin
the golden hour
Starts in the Fall and ends at Christmastime. Great read for Thanksgiving break! Read a Synopsis…

Scrooge and the Girls Next Door by Melanie Jacobson
scrooge and the girls next door
I adored this one! Read a Synopsis…

A Cross-Country Christmas by Courtney Walsh
cross country christmas
Read a synopsis…

You Make It Feel like Christmas by Toni Shiloh
you make it feel like christmas
Read a synopsis…

Merry Ex-Mas by Courtney Walsh
merry ex-mas sweet romance for the holidays
Read a synopsis…

The Twelve Holidates by Emma St. Clair
The twelve holidates a sweet romance novella
This is a novella (a short novel). Read a synopsis…

Faking Christmas by Cindy Steel
faking christmas holiday romcom
Don’t forget to check out the rest in this series by various authors!
Read a synopsis…

The Christmas Pact by Meg Easton
The Christmas Pact
Read a synopsis…

A Match Made at Christmas by Courtney Walsh
A match made at christiams - sweet holiday romance
Read a synopsis…

Christmas Crush by Brynn North
 christmas crush
This is a novella (a short novel). Read a synopsis…

Help me find more sweet Christmas romance books!

There are a lot of holiday romance books out there. Which titles are your favorites? Please leave your additional suggestions in the comments!

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