In our last newsletter, we promised to share the second half of our interview with the amazing Helen Scheuerer. Since then, Stacy has read War of Mist, the conclusion to Scheuerer’s debut series, and thought it was really great! Read her full review if you’d like more details. But before you do, let’s check in with Scheuerer again. This time we more specifically address her series, The Oremere Chronicles, and also share a few fun facts about her.
Book Series Recaps: What was the inspiration for The Oremere Chronicles series?
Helen Scheuerer: This question always stumps me because I didn’t have a lightning bolt of inspiration for this series. I think it grew from a love of the genre and reading numerous YA fantasy books. It was definitely a form of escape for me!
Book Series Recaps: Did you have the entire series outlined before book 1 was in its final stages?
Helen Scheuerer: I wish I had been that organized! When I wrote book 1, I had a vague notion of how the series would pan out, but I guess at that time, I didn’t really understand what it meant to take a series on. I learned so many lessons about the importance of planning while writing The Oremere Chronicles.

Next project is going to be planned meticulously, I swear!
Book Series Recaps: How was writing the second and third books different than writing the first one?
Helen Scheuerer: It was a surreal experience writing books 2 and 3, as I found them incredibly different to book 1. The first book is naturally all about the set up of the series, while still having to stand alone to a certain extent. With the following books, your foundations have all been laid, and you can jump right in.
Writing books 2 and 3 I found was all about problem-solving (thanks to my lack of planning!) and making sure that they too, had their own narrative arcs within the series. Another difference with the third book in particular, I found myself getting quite emotional knowing it was the last in the series. I definitely procrastinated with this one way more than the others because I didn’t know how I’d feel when it ended.
Book Series Recaps: Who’s your favorite character from The Oremere Chronicles and why?
Helen Scheuerer: Are you allowed to ask that?! It’s like asking a parent who their favorite child is! I’m going to cheat a little here…
One of my favorites across the series has been a secondary character, Fi – one of the main characters’ besties. In fact, I have soft spots for a number of the secondary characters: Luka, Sahara, Tailor…
Of course, I do love the main four as well, but it really depends what day you ask me!
A few fun facts:
Book Series Recaps: What books are on your bedside table right now?
Helen Scheuerer: Ohhhh I always love this question! At the moment, I’m choosing between:
Redwall by Brian Jacques
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody
The Dry by Jane Harper
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Book Series Recaps: What’s your favorite way to read: paper books, ebooks, or audiobooks?
Helen Scheuerer: I’m on the move a lot, so I absolutely love my kindle and take it everywhere.
Book Series Recaps: Who’s your current literary crush, and who do you fan-girl over?
Helen Scheuerer: I’ll always have a literary crush on SJM, and I don’t think I’ll ever get over Chaol from A Throne of Glass… Or Prince Elian from To Kill A Kingdom… 🙂
Book Series Recaps: I see you mention tea quite often on Instagram. As a fellow tea lover, I’d love to know your favorite blends, especially if any of them can be ordered online and shipped to the U.S.! 😉
Helen Scheuerer: I’m afraid I’m going to prove disappointing here! I’m pretty basic with my tea drinking. I love English Breakfast with a passion and drink wayyyyy too much of it, especially when I’m writing.
If I’m not feeling the best, peppermint tea always does the trick, but nothing fancy!
Read more about her books on Amazon:
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