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Are you or your kids looking for swoon-worthy clean YA romance books for teens without all the adult content? We’re here to help. My name is Sara, and I’m a high school teacher and a mother of teenagers. For a while now, I’ve been on a mission to find clean YA contemporary romance books for teen girls. I haven’t been happy with many books published by big publishing companies, so I started reading novels from smaller publishers and indie authors. I’ve found some great reads this way, and I’m happy to share those with you below.

If you have additional suggestions for clean young adult contemporary romance books, please leave a comment. I’m always on the lookout!

If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, check out our master list of clean YA books for teens, tweens, or anyone (all genres).

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Clean contemporary romance books for teens (this page)

Not looking for contemporary? Try Clean fantasy romance books for teens

What is a clean romance book?

To me, a clean book of any genre has little to no language and no sex or sexual situations.

**AUTHORS: We’re looking for authors who write clean YA romance books. If that’s you, please submit your clean books here:

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(**Yes, these are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchasesWe don’t make much money on these, but we do make enough to pay for the hosting on this growing website. Thank you!**)

Our suggestions for clean YA romance books:

  1. My Favorite Color is Your Something Blue by Eva Austin
    my favorite color is your something blue
    A fun, light-hearted, and clean teen romance novel. Good family values. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing. First in a series. *Ebook is FREE on the authors website.
    Read a synopsis…
  2. My Favorite Color is The Golden Hour by Eva Austin
    the golden hour
    Another sweet and clean romance book for teens by Eva Austin. A fun take on being yourself, learning to forgive, and, of course, falling in love. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a Synopsis…
  3. P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
    clean ya contemporary romance
    A cute and clean YA high school romance. Good family values. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  4. Love and Other Great Expectations by Becky Dean
    love and other great expectations - clean romance books
    A super cute competition-based travel romance. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  5. Revenge of the Nerd Goddess by Janette Rallison
    revenge of the nerd goddess a sweet YA contemporary romance
    I loved this sweet YA contemporary romance. Great messages about physical health, doing the right thing, and recognizing what’s out of your control. Contents: No language, no sex, some kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  6. Rebel with a Donut by Chrissy Q Martin
    rebel with a donut, clean ya romance
    A really cute multi-generational read that’s set in the retirement village where her grandmother lives. A contemporary romance about coming out of your shell and learning to take risks in life (in a good way!). No sex, some kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  7. The Summer We Forgot by Caroline George
    clean ya romance suspense
    This is a YA Romantic Suspense novel. More for teens than tweens. Contents: Characters attend parties where there is drinking and drugs, though it is not glorified. No sex. Brief kissing and references to previous make-out sessions. Mild murder mystery violence.
    Read a synopsis…
  8. Borrow My Heart by Kasie West
    borrow my heart clean ya contemp romance
    A cute contemporary romance for dog lovers. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  9. When we Began by Judy Corry
    when we began
    This book is a novella (a short novel), and you can get the ebook free on the author’s website. It’s part of a long series called Ridgewater High. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  10. What are Friends for? by Sarah Sutton
    what are friends for
    A really cute best friends romance by Sarah Sutton. Contents: Some language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a synopsis
  11. The Fill-in Boyfriend by Kasie West
    Clean Contemporary Romance Books for Teens
    Another contemporary young adult romance from Kasie West. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  12. Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch
    love and gelato clean book for teen girls
    This is a contemporary YA travel adventure romance. Contents: No sex, some kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  13. There You’ll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones
    there you'll find me
    I loved this book and there’s a clean Netflix movie to watch after you read it. The movie is called Finding You. Contents: No language, no sex, brief kissing.
    Read a synopsis…
  14. It Started with Goodbye by Christina June
    Clean young adult Contemporary Romance
    A contemporary twist on the Cinderella tale. No language, no sex.
    Read a Synopsis…
  15. Christmas as We know it by Sarah Sutton
    christmas as we know it
    A cute Christmas romance to get you in the holiday spirit.
    Read a synopsis…

Please help us find more sweet YA romance books for teens!

We need your help. Please leave your additional suggestions in the comments!

17 thoughts on “Clean YA Romance Books for Teens and Young Adults”

  1. Alex Light “The upside of falling”
    Katie West “On the Fence” and “The fill-in boyfriend”
    Lauren Morrill “Being Sloane Jacobs”
    Cameron Kelly “The Strpping Off Place”
    Sophie Jordan “The me i meant to be”
    Becky Albertalli “Yes No Maybe So”
    Ashley Elston “10 Blind Dates”
    My favorite teen romance, Jacqueline Firkins “Hearts, Strings, and other Breakable Things”

  2. I teach middle and high school and have been searching for more clean teen romance novels to add to my classroom library. My students are devouring them. Thank you for this post.

    I can give you author suggestions, but not necessarily titles of books, if that’s okay (based on what’s in my classroom).

    Kasie West (anything she’s written is clean – maybe an occasional bad word)
    Chantelle Sedgwick
    Melanie Dickerson (a Christian author who writes retellings of fairy tales)
    Jenna Evans Welch
    Jennifer E. Smith

    1. thank you so much for these suggestions! We are struggling to find clean teen books.

  3. The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Spear is good but maybe violent for some

  4. i remember Kisses And Croissants being an all clean romance and very cute

  5. Most of my line is clean YA contemporary (My Heart in Your Hands and Hating on My Clarinet Rival are two of my latest and I loooooove them.)

    I can also recommend Shari L. Tapscott’s Glitter and Sparkle Collection, Kelly Ann Blount (I Hate You Fuller James), and Stephanie Street (Us at the Beach).

  6. I am SO THANKFUL for this website! It seems like every book my daughter checked out from our public library teen section had sexual content. This is a HUGE help!!

  7. If you love the wonderful books mentioned, you might also like mine. All I write is clean YA romance with no strong language, no sex, and no violence. I love writing books teens and adults can read together, and I adore my readers. I have quite a few different series to choose from, depending on a reader’s interest. Also check out authors Kylie Key and Emma Dalton.

  8. Thank you so much for all of the suggestions! My 14 year old always tries to find books when we go anywhere and I feel.like everything she picks up is inappropriate for her. She is into romance books and I am struggling to find the perfect books until now!!

    1. So glad the list was helpful! Don’t forget to check the comments to find more ideas from readers and authors!

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