Rapid Reviews by Book Series Recaps

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Quick book series reviews:


review of oliver twist

Review of Oliver Twist

No spoilers in this review of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Special thanks to Sarina ...

Review of Jane Eyre

No spoilers in this review of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Special thanks to Sarina ...

Review of The Great Gatsby

No spoilers in this review of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Special thanks ...
review of little women

Review of Little Women

No spoilers in this review of Little Women series by Louisa May Alcott. Special thanks ...

Review of Chokher Bali

No spoilers in this review of Chokher Bali by Rabindranath Tagore. Special thanks to Sarina ...

Review of The Midwife Trilogy

No spoilers in this review of The Midwife Trilogy series (aka the Call the Midwife ...
review of midnight sun

Rapid Review of Midnight Sun

No spoilers in this rapid review of Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer. I admit it ...